什么 你 需要 to 考虑 关于 购买 化学物质 in 散装 量


盖尔·米塔尔斯基发布- 2022年12月21日

作为采购和/或运输化学产品的人, you've probably realized that the pre-COVID global supply chain may never return.

这场全球大流行已经过去近三年了, persistent labor and supply chain shortages continue to cause logistical disruptions both nationally and globally. 

This means you need to forecast further ahead and get creative to ensure your products remain at the quality levels your customers expect and arrive on time.

这也意味着你可能要考虑改变你的购物习惯 批量采购化学品.

However, buying chemicals in bulk quantities may not be right for your organization. 以下是你在批量购买化学品之前需要考虑的问题.



批量采购最明显的好处是可以长期节省成本. Having more product shipped less often will allow you to keep your freight costs down, as long as you ship in these larger quantities directly to – or as close as possible to – the facilities where your products are made.


不可抗力, 销售控制的产品分配, and staffing shortages continue to impact the chemical industry's supply chain, 手头有比你现在需要的更多的产品是个好主意.

原材料短缺现在是司空见惯的事. 当它们发生时, the first people to not get their shipments are those who don't have their volumes secured. Often, this impacts people who are ordering chemicals infrequently or irregularly.

购买 in bulk will ensure you have the crucial chemical products you need on hand when you need them. This, in turn, will translate into more efficient and cost-effective scheduling and shipment options.

如果你的产品有效期和现金流允许的话, buying in bulk and storing more product on-site will make your operations more nimble – and save you costs down the road.


If your organization is looking to reduce its carbon footprint, buying in bulk is the right choice. 减少运输量最终会减少温室气体排放. 此外,散装包装喜欢 超级袋 produces less packaging waste compared to non-bulk options like drums or boxes.



大宗购买短期内限制了现金流. 装运量越大,前期成本就会越高, as will any facility investments (like storage tanks or warehouse modifications) you need to make to accommodate these higher volumes of product. 


一旦你决定大量购买, you're going to need to invest in storage options – if that's even possible. 你r facility may not have the space, making purchasing bulk chemical products infeasible.


If shipments are coming in only once per month as opposed to daily or weekly, you're going to need to take more time to resource plan further in advance. 更复杂的产能规划可能意味着更高的劳动力成本, 培训成本, 员工带宽限制, especially if your team isn't accustomed to it or is learning new processes altogether.


By definition, shipping liquid in volumes over 119 gallons (or 450 liters) is considered bulk. When it comes to solids, anything over 882 pounds (or 400 kilograms) is considered bulk. Alternately, solids with volumes over 119 gallons are also considered bulk.

The packaging options that can accommodate these volumes of bulk chemicals include:

  • 散装铁路车厢(载重量在13,000至33,000箱之间).S. 加仑)
  • 散装油罐车 (持有3000 - 11600美元.S. 加仑)
  • 超级麻袋(重量在1100到3300磅之间)
  • 手提袋(容量275加仑或330加仑)


Even if you think budgetary restrictions and storage space may prohibit bulk chemical shipments from being a reality for your organization, it's often worth discussing your options with experts who can guide you to a solution based on your specific needs.

It's worth reiterating that cost savings over time can be substantial if you buy chemicals in bulk. And buying your chemicals in bulk may provide you the flexibility you need to navigate today's supply chain challenges.

在皇家化学,365足球网站做到了 超过80年的包装解决方案经验 that work exactly for our customers' needs – including bulk packaging solutions.

伸出手去 和365足球网站的专家谈谈 讨论你是否应该考虑批量购买化学品.


主题: 物流, 分布, 包装, 灵活性, 仓储与配送, 大部分的化学物质
